Orchard St
When they began 59 years ago, Fannie and Alex Adler took over a men's haberdashery. They opened on November 1st in order to be ready for the Christmas holidays, which is the major season of the year.
There was another store (also haberdashery) across the street. When they bought it, it was half the size of what it is now. When they bought the whole building about 6 years later, they combined with the tenants upstairs, moved the staircase, and extended the backyard. Originally the store on the left sold woolens.
Fannie- standing wearing green jumper.
Irving Boyarski- Born in Germany; came here at 14; school in New Jersey, graduated Patterson College, joined the army, manufactured knit goods, married Gertrude
Elias Fiedler- Came here with wife and 3 children in 1939, worked in a bakery for 2 years; started with stand on 130 Orchard Street;2 years later starts store at 130 Orchard St. I first met his daughter Sylvia, who was married to Jacob Nelson- born and brought up on Lower East Side.